Saturday, April 24, 2010

rain rain go away!!

Cancelled --then back on... cancelled again--and the back on!!! so happy the rained stopped for a bit so I could photograph some of my favorite girls. Another example of not realizing locations that have always been right in front of me-- our company! My dad owns a furniture company (Lancaster Industries) in Cuero, Texas.... I found myself wondering around the other day waiting to take pictures of some tables and found these treasures! Old trucks and a lot of rusty ugly stuff.
"one man's trash is another man's treasure"

Congratulations to Hannah-- cheers to the future! xo

DSC_4310cr copy

1 comment:

Kahlei said...

Love the "gig 'em" photo! I was wondering why you had chalk in you car. That is so cool and creative!
I like them all,but especially the "gig 'em" photo!
Very excited to get to join you tomorrow!